Windows – How to load a video as a screensaver on Windows 10

screensavervideowindowswindows 10

I need to load a video as a screensaver, so that once the screensaver is on, the video starts playing in full screen. On mouse event, the screensaver behavior could be normal, ie, go to the logon screen or quit the screen playing the video. And then on next idle screensaver activation, the video could continue right from previously left playback progress.

Basically, a screensaver that can play a video (from settings), and continue that video in a loop on each screensaver session.

Here's an Example video (downloaded):

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

Found a great light-weight program that allows this, but I haven't tested if videos are continued from previous sessions.

Here's the sorceforge link, and here's a direct link to the file

Video Screensaver

A Windows screensaver that plays videos, with or without sound.

Brought to you by: metasquares

Video Screensaver

A basic video player screensaver for Windows, written in C#. Requires .NET 4.5 runtimes. Compatible with most video formats. Hard to find good alternatives out there, so I wrote my own.


It's Open Source, and only 133 kb in size!