Windows – How to know the size of a 7zip compressed file

compressionwindows 7zip

With an archive file, I can only ever find the size of the file before compression, its original size, which I know.

What about the size of the new, smaller compressed size?

Best Answer

How to I find the compressed sizes of files in a 7zip archive?

You can use the command line version of 7zip which is 7z, with the l (list) option:

7z l


F:\test>c:\apps\7-zip\7z l

7-Zip [64] 9.38 beta  Copyright (c) 1999-2014 Igor Pavlov  2015-01-03

Listing archive:

Path =
Type = zip
Physical Size = 1549613

   Date      Time    Attr         Size   Compressed  Name
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2015-07-20 16:33:04 ....A      3569152      1547123  wscc.exe
2015-01-05 18:42:28 ....A         2640         1283  wscc.license.txt
2015-02-25 21:50:48 ....A         1897          879  wscc.readme.txt
------------------- ----- ------------ ------------  ------------------------
2015-07-20 16:33:04            3573689      1549285  3 files

Kernel  Time =     0.109 =   29%
User    Time =     0.000 =    0%
Process Time =     0.109 =   29%    Virtual  Memory =      4 MB
Global  Time =     0.366 =  100%    Physical Memory =      7 MB

Further reading

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