Windows – How to increase startup speed on mozilla firefox

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How to increase startup speed on newest version of mozilla firefox?
it always happened when i opened Mozilla Firefox, it seem like freeze or not responding, and it will take about 15 second to Mozilla runs correctly. Any ideas to resolve this problem?

Best Answer

First of all, if you want to decrease Firefox load time, remove all addons that you installed on it. All addons must be loaded during the load time and most of them are heavy enough to increase load times by a scale of seconds.

Also, you can find some tutorials that promisses increase Firefox performance. Take a look at these links:

12 Tricks To Increase Your Firefox Speed By A Noticeable Amount.

How To Increase Firefox Page Transfer Speed Up To 40 Percent

How to Increase FireFox Load time??

How to Improve and Speed Up Firefox Start-up Time

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