Windows – How to identify which process committed memory


My system runs high on committed memory (out of 8GB RAM + 2 GB page file 85% memory is committed). Physical usage is at some 65%.

How can I identify what process(es) is allocating most of the committed memory? I understand that memory can be shared among processes. So far I've used VMMap to show committed memory but this is on a per-process base and doesn't take pagefile-backed sections into account.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

PowerShell Solution

1. Get top 10 processes using the highest amount of Virtual Memory

Get-Process | Sort PagedMemorySize-Desc | Select Name, PagedMemorySize, VirtualMemorySize -First 10

Output Example

Name                  VirtualMemorySize PagedMemorySize
----                  ----------------- ---------------
UrBackupClientBackend         685735936       548347904
explorer                     1529909248       478908416
Microsoft.Photos             1303465984       433094656
MBAMService                   661987328       228876288
MicrosoftEdgeCP               894496768       219799552
MsMpEng                       667783168       205774848
MicrosoftEdgeCP               874590208       202584064
mstsc                         440627200       185860096
javaw                         886177792       185556992
MicrosoftEdgeCP               802746368       146792448

2. Get sum of all committed Virtual Memory

Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem | Select @{L='commit';E={($_.totalvirtualmemorysize - $_.freevirtualmemory)*1KB/1GB}} 

Output Example


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