Windows – How to get rid of a “bin” folder that keeps recreating itself


I've recently used Eclipse on my Windows 8 64-bit laptop. Now as far as I know, Eclipse doesn't really need to be installed – just copy-pasted.

Now, during the first use, Eclipse asks me where to put my directory and stuff. I pointed it in a folder within My Documents, just so I can consolidate all my programs into one location.

The problem:

After I'm done with Eclipse, I deleted it. Just like that. There wasn't anything in the Control Panel, anyway. In any case, there's a left over 'Bin' folder, that keeps coming back when I delete it.

The Ghost Folder

What I've tried:

Well, I've tried deleting the folder. It can be deleted, without any problems, but it comes back after a few seconds.

I've also tried deleting the entire "My Programs" folder… it just recreates it, "My Programs" folder and all.

Renaming the "My Programs" doesn't work either.

Here's what's inside the "bin" folder:



I haven't tried completely uninstalling Java (because I have other apps that rely on it) before deleting stuff, though.

Control Panel

I know this is just minor, but I'd like to keep my system clean, and clearly something that recreates itself is something unclean.

For the same reason, I don't want to turn to third-party "unlocker" apps.

Thanks to any and all who could help.

Best Answer

I think your Eclipse still use this directory. You should create new workspace for this Eclipse. If you have it, you could delete this workspace:

Windows > Preferences > General > Startup & Shudown > Workspaces > [Remove]


I can imagine some program (for example Maven) still use this directory. When you started use Eclipse program, it was create some folder and install some dependencies to your PC. Please check these directories in your PC: .m2,.eclipse, workplace, .metadata. If you find one of them, please try to delete it.

I see you have jdk in your PC. Please check which programs run when try to delete your bin folder. The eclipse or javax could be use this directory.

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