Windows – How to get IIS on Windows 7 to run the soap webservice executable instead of downloading it

iis-7windows 7

I have built a very simple Soap Web Server service using delphi as well as having installed IIS-7 on my local machine running Windows 7 Professional.

I placed my Soap executable file in the inetpub/wwwroot/ directory. When I go to the address "http://localhost/SoapAttempt.exe" my browser tries to download the file instead of running it.

I imagine I need to set something up in IIS. What do I need to do to get this to run instead of downloading?


I am following this tutorial and on the third page is where it instructs to compile the executable and place it in the directory. Then it says to open it from a web browser and upon doing that the tutorial shows it displaying a page with information about the soap server that you can use to build clients but all I get is it downloading the exe. So I am missing a step of something is not setup correctly.

NOTE: The tutorial says place the executable in the wwwroot/cgi-bin directory but I have tried both the above and this directory and both have the same outcome.

Best Answer

The Handler mapping for CGI-exe was disabled.

  • Go Into IISManager (search in start bar inetmgr)
  • Select the highest level in the left box
  • Double click on the Handler Mappings icon
  • Right click on the item in the disabled section called CGI-exe
  • Click Edit feature permissions
  • Make sure Execute is checked
  • Press Ok to get out of that screen and Presto Problem Solved


I'm having a different issue now but ill place it in the comments to this answer

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