Windows – How to get all of the VersionInfo strings from a .exe file from the Windows command prompt


Before Windows 10, one could get all of the VersionInfo strings by right clicking on a file and doing properties. That doesn't work anymore. It's like somebody only decided to show the ones that acquired a standard meaning over the decades. But the GUI doesn't matter except for noting it doesn't work so COM calls to the property page won't help. We want to know how from the command line anyway.


PS> get-childitem .\execautablename | FormatList VersionInfo
PS> (get-item .\execautablename | format-list -force)
PS> get-childitem .\execautablename | ? {$_.VersionInfo.Xyz}
cmd> wmic datafile where Name="C:\\Full\\Path\\to\\executablename.exe" list full

The third command can get only some version strings but not others I know are there.

Its like all of the ways now know a "standard" list (there's two or three ideas of what the standard list is) and none of them know how to enumerate all the VersionInfo strings anymore. I have a binary with the string "ProductHash" which is the git commit hash of the corresponding source code used to compile it.

I keep on getting answers suggested involving {$_.VersionInfo}. That path is never going to work because VersionInfo believes in a fixed list of versioninfo properties to retrieve. The rc compiler and the VERSIONINFO PE structure believe differently. And wmic has a different fixed list that it retrieves.

versioninfo after applying VersInfoEx

This is the property. It only showed up at all after applying Fish's VersInfoEx shell extension linked by postanote.

Source snippit (windows resource):

#include <windows.h>

FILEVERSION 10, 0, 0, 0
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "040904E4"
VALUE "FileDescription", "Hello RC"
VALUE "FileVersion", ""
VALUE "LegalCopyright", "Copyright (C) Cedaron Medical, Inc. 2018"
VALUE "InternalName", "hellorc"
VALUE "ProductHash", "Hello_World_abcdefgh" /* this is the value I'm after */
VALUE "ProductName", "Hello RC"
VALUE "ProductVersion", ""
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x409, 1252

I managed to get a truly horrible and unsatisfying answer that doesn't know anything about VERSIONINFO and reads in megabytes of file and depends on way too much being installed.

cmd> c:\cygwin64\bin\tr -d \0 < filename.exe | c:\cygwin64\bin\strings | c:\cygwin64\bin\grep ^^ProductHash. | c:\cygwin64\bin\sed s/ProductHash//

This works provided the VERSIONINFO string name being searched for isn't also somewhere else in the binary. I'm hoping a bad answer suffices to explain the question better.

Trying to do the same thing with powershell as suggested by Pimp Juice IT didn't quite work:

PS> Get-Content ".\executablename.exe" | % { if($_ -match "ProductHash") { write-host $_}}

It was close enough to a working idea that I was able to determine why it yielded no output. I stuck cygwin's tr back into the pipeline and the command took so long to run I thought it had hung but I eventually got some output.

PS> Get-Content ".\executablename.exe" | c:\cygwin64\bin\tr.exe -d \0 | % { if($_ -match "ProductHash") { write-host $_}}
InternalNameexecutablenameh$ProductNameMyProductPProductVersion10.0.591.927r)ProductHash50acd7cedb99dddab69c5de9b2f021ef72d64ca0DVarFileInfo$Translation       ????<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

I have made a minimal binary (1313 bytes, decompresses to 4096 bytes). The versioninfo key "ProductHash" has the value "Hello_World_abcdefgh".

Do not be deceived. ProductHash isn't a hash of the binary. It's a hash key into the source code repository to find the source code the binary was compiled from. The idea is if someone ends up with some strange version, we can track it down and determine exactly what code they have. Rather than have the the customer send us a large file, we would rather send them a small command to get the value out of it.

Best Answer

Final Working Solution Logic

This script takes into account the actual layout of the versioninfo structure, and works with one extra parameter (the 1 or 2 near the end) for the parity of the input string.

$versioninfostate = 0
(Get-Content "hello.exe" -Encoding Unicode) -split {$_ -lt " "} | % { if ($versioninfostate -eq 1) { write-host $_ } if ($versioninfostate -gt 0) { $versioninfostate = $versioninfostate - 1} if ($_ -match "ProductHash$") { $versioninfostate = 2 }}

Development of the Final Solution Path

  1. "The last command can get only some version strings but not others I know are there"
    • Use Select * to get additional properties not shown with just Format-List

  2. "Get all of the VersionInfo strings from a .exe file"
    • Pipe the exe over to % {$_.VersionInfo} to use Foreach-Object rather than Where-Object with $_.VersionInfo zeroing in on just its properties in one list/record set

  3. "Cannot resolve arbitrary property names"
    • Actually using the #1 & #2 as listed above you can (see below) enter image description here

  4. "As per your latest update showing you installed a third party utility recommended by someone to you in a comment; that software seems to be from 2010 and designed specifically for Windows 7. In any case, it seems to add an additional property named ProductHash as per your latest update screen shot."
    • Use Get-FileHash and then explicitly get the hash value of the exe that way

Below is some PowerShell logic that. . .

  • Uses% instead of ? to put the executable through Foreach-Object rather than Where-Object
  • Uses Select * instead of Format-List to ensure the variable object is of a System.Object BaseType rather than a System.Array as Format-List creates
  • Sets a variable with the explicit property value as you specify from the VersionInfo list
  • Uses Get-FileHash to get the exe hash value


$t = get-childitem ".\executablename" | % {$_.VersionInfo} | Select *
$Hash = (Get-FileHash $Exe).Hash
$t.<Property>, $Hash

Output Example

Coolest -

VersionInfo List Object

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-childitem ".\executablename" | % {$_.VersionInfo} | Select *

FileVersionRaw     :
ProductVersionRaw  :
Comments           : 
CompanyName        : Coolest -
FileBuildPart      : 0
FileDescription    : Program - Cool memory analyzer
FileMajorPart      : 1
FileMinorPart      : 80
FileName           : C:\Users\User\Desktop\Coolio.exe
FilePrivatePart    : 0
FileVersion        : 1.80
InternalName       : TooCool
IsDebug            : False
IsPatched          : False
IsPrivateBuild     : False
IsPreRelease       : False
IsSpecialBuild     : False
Language           : English (United States)
LegalCopyright     : Copyright © 1985-2099 Michael Jordan
LegalTrademarks    : 
OriginalFilename   : Coolio
PrivateBuild       : 
ProductBuildPart   : 0
ProductMajorPart   : 1
ProductMinorPart   : 80
ProductName        : TooCool
ProductPrivatePart : 0
ProductVersion     : 1.80
SpecialBuild       : 

Search Binary String Content

Note: Just as the cygwin cli string, grep, and other commands search the binary of the file to match the string "ProductHash", you can read this from similar PowerShell commands as well.

$Match = (Get-Content ".\executablename") -replace "`0", "" | % {if($_ -match "(ProductHash)") {$Matches[0]}}
$Line  = (Get-Content ".\executablename") -replace "`0", "" | % {if($_ -match "(ProductHash)") {$_}} | % {if($_ -match "(ProductHash).*$") {$Matches[0]}} 
$Line  = $Line -replace "[\W]", "`r`n" | % {if($_ -match "(ProductHash).*\s") {$Matches[0]}}
$MisMatch = $Line.Replace($Match, "")
Write-Output "$Match`: $MisMatch"

Example Output

ProductHash: Hello_World_abcdefgh2

Further Resources

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