Windows – How to force MSIExec to upgrade to the specified version


I'd like to install LibreOffice (version as a part of another installation but I'm having following issue:

  • When a version 4.x or earlier is already installed, the installer installs LibreOffice, as expected.
  • When nothing is installed, the installer installs LibreOffice, as expected.
  • When a version 5.x is already installed, the installer does nothing.

Which parameter can I add to the commandline in order to force the update from 5.x to Currently I'm using following commandline:

msiexec /i "<filename.msi>" /q

I've already tried the parameter REINSTALL=ALL but this was not working (no update from 5.x to

In case some modifications needs to be done to the MSI file: I have Orca on my PC, so I can modify the MSI file where needed.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

Meanwhile I've found the answer to my question, using Windows-installer SDK:

msiexec /i "<filename.msi>" /q REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=A

(the REINSTALLMODE=A forces all files to be re-installed, whether or not they are same/different/older/younger/...)

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