Windows – How to force a stereo microphone to mono in software (W7)

audiomicrophonemonostereowindows 7

I am having an issue: I have a two channel external audio card and an XLR microphone connected to the first channel, while the second channel is unconnected.

This configuration results in Windows finding a stereo audio device, but audio comes only from the left channel. I'd like to know if it is possible to fix it in software, without having to build a Y-XLR cable.

The two "solutions" I can think of are to either force the device to be registered as mono, or pan/mix the left channel to the right one. Or, if it were possible, to split the device into two "virtual devices", with one channel each.

The soundcard's driver software does not provide too much help:

Sound card driver software

Also, I can not always switch it from the application as the applications I am trying to get it to work are things like Skype, games, etc.

In applications that the audio card is "made to be used with" (DAW and other "pro"-audio work software) it is not usually a problem to fiddle with the channel however I want.

Possibly a duplicate of this, however other that the title, I am not currently sure about what he is asking.

Best Answer

I don't think Windows offers such a feature. You can solve this by using software that simulates virtual audio devices and cables. I use Voicemeeter ( and it works (same situation - external audio interface + XLR mic). There are some alternatives as well. Search for "windows virtual audio".

How to for Voicemeeter: In Voicemeeter assign the XLR stereo input to an input. Toggle 'mono' button. In programs like Skype use Voicemeeter Virtual Output as input device.

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