Windows – How to fix a missing bootmgr after cloning a HDD to SSD due to a weird system-reserved partition

bootclonegpartedssdwindows 7

I have cloned my C: partition from an existing HDD to a new SSD using gparted from my Linux-SDD. This went well data-wise. I can see the files, yet the new Win7SSD is unable to boot.

At first, the cursor was blinking. When I set it to boot, it said bootmgr is missing.

Recherching further, I realized that my HDD has three partition, the expected C: for Win7 and D: for data; yet there is also a system-reservered bootable partition at 100 MB.

Screenshot of system-reserved disk

So I thought I could fix it via repairing the mbr. Hence, I tried entering the resuce prompt via Repair Computer and ran:

Bootrec.exe /ScanOs

yet this only lists C:, not E: as well.

I did not see a way to force BootRec.exe to do its magic on E:, I did run a /fixmbr and /fixboot while I was on E:, yet am unsure if this did anything at all on E: or if I "fixed" my working C: instead.

I still can boot from C: but I rather use my new SSD instead.

How can I make the SSD bootable?

Best Answer

I managed to make the SSD bootable by both:

  1. Cloning both paritions, the hidden and the C:, to the SSD. I exapanded the hidden partition to the full size of the hdd.
  2. Windows wasn't bootable directly after it. I had to insert the OEM Win7 DVD and boot from it. Instead of reinstalling I chose Repair option. Instantly, a window popped up that an issue was discovered and prompting me to fix and reboot.

After rebooting, the partition was checked and since then the SSD works fine.

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