Windows – How to find out which installer package a given exe/dll belongs to


I would like to know what MSI installed a given dll or exe on my system. I know that Windows fixes deleted files if they belong to an installed package. Can I query that information without actually deleting the file? Is there a tool or Win32 API to check what package a file belongs to?

Best Answer

It appears like there might be a way after all! I recently discovered registry entries for files installed by Windows Installers under the following subtree:


I wrote a small Python script to lookup the installer for a file using the information stored there:

> python opus.dll
File: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mumble\opus.dll
Product: Mumble 1.2.13
Install user: S-1-5-18
Cached installer: C:\Windows\Installer\2f6b072.msi

It is available here: