Windows – How to find all newly modified files after a specific time ?(windows command line)

command linewindows 7

I can use forfiles /P directory /S /D +01/04/2015 to list all newly modified files after 01/04/2015. But I searched a lot about forfiles and didn't see any parameters about it can let me filter the files based on their modified time(not date).
How to find files based on modified time ? (use forfiles or other command line.including find the file in the sub directory)

Best Answer

How about PowerShell? This will find all files modified in the last two hours.

Get-ChildItem -Path c:\your\path\here -Recurse |
  Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.LastWriteTime -ge (Get-Date).AddHours(-2) }

Change what's on the right of '-ge' to suit your needs; you can even specify an exact date/time

... -ge (Get-Date '20 Sep 2016 23:14') }