Windows – How to export the Browsing History in Firefox

data-recoveryfirefoxhistorywindows xp

I lost a load of open tabs in Firefox that I want to recover. The details are in the browsing history but it is not the most friendly area of Firefox to wade through. The Export option there actually exports bookmarks. I want to export my browsing history as a text file so I can search, dedup, etc in a text editor. I can not work out a way of exporting the browsing history so any suggestions much appreciated.

Firefox 3.5.5
Windows XP Pro

Best Answer

Browsing history is stored in a file called places.sqlite in your profile folder. On Windows it is located in the randomly named .default folder found in this directory:


This file format is not easily edited in a text file, but you can use SQLite Database Browser (free and open source) to view the file.