Windows – How to enable the geographical location of the image seen for the lock screen in Windows 10

geolocationlock-screenwindows 10

I upgraded my laptop system from Windows 8 to Windows 10, I can see different lock screens, but my friend who upgraded her system from Windows 7 to Windows 10 can see the geographical location of different scenes which change automatically every day.

I want to see the geographical location of the scene too.

I searched in the settings but could not find it. How can I find and adjust this setting?

Best Answer


I have just found an option on the settings for the lock screen to enable tips and extra information. I don't know if this will give you the information you expect as I have it disabled on my machine.

Enable extra information on the Windows 10 lock screen

Original Answer I suspect your friend has got an extra app to retrieve the geographic location of the images. I haven't been able to find anything that gives this information by default.

All is not lost though. There is a way you can find the information you ask for. Although you have to do a bit of digging.

The images are distributed through Microsoft's Content Delivery Network and are stored on your PC in the following location:


You might have to enable "show hidden files" in order to get to this location. In this folder there are a lot of files with random names like:


If you add .jpg to the end of this file name you will discover that it turns into a picture file. You can now open the file properties window and view the metadata. Sometimes this metadata will include GPS co-ordinates, in others (like my example) it will have a completed description and tags.

Windows Lock screen example

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