Windows – How to (easily) copy protect files when being an administrator in Windows Vista

file managementpermissionswindows-vista

I have a hard drive I need to backup. In the hard drive is of course things like Documents and Settings which is set to not allow other people to see inside someone's personal folders.

I am an administrator though, and I can not figure out how to mark these files so that I am permitted to access them and copy them. When I double click on My Documents then it pops up saying You must have permission to access this and gives me an option like OK or Cancel. I click OK and then it says you do not have permission to access these files.

I'm an administrator on the system, so I don't understand why Windows Vista is locking me out.

How can I setup Windows Vista so that it will let me copy every file, even ones I don't have permission to?

Best Answer

I ended up just putting the hard drive in an Arch Linux box, and mounted it with NTFS-3G, and it copied almost everything. Apparently the hard drive was half-bad or the file system was slightly corrupted though, because there were some "No such file or directory" error and "Input/output errors" messages, but that was only like four files.

So I guess that tutorial I tried to do was right. As step 15 it said

Ask yourself why you're still using Windows.

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