Windows – How to disown/detach a process from the Git Bash terminal that come with Git’s Windows installer


I would like to run commands from the terminal (mostly Python servers) and essentially daemonize them. I am running the MinGW terminal "Git Bash" that comes with the Windows installer for Git.

Things tried that do not work:

  • nohup -> command not found
  • setsid -> command not found
  • $ & -> does not behave as expected
  • $ & disown -> does not behave as expected

I would use bg, but my end-goal is to close the terminal after my servers are all running and not kill the processes.

Best Answer

This is a synthesis from my longer answer to a similar question in SO.

If your app logs to stdout/stderr, use:

cmd //c start cmd //k  "path\\to\\script-dir\\"

If it logs to files, via sockets etc. and you do not need stdout/stderr, use:

cmd //c start //D "path\\to\\script-dir"

In both cases you get a daemon like process which will survive when you close bash. In the first instance your script is hosted in a visible cmd.exe window.

Much more here.

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