Windows – How to disable Windows 7 taskbar hover list

taskbarwindows 7

I thought this was a simple question, but from perusing dozens of boards, it seems that most people refer to thumb previews. I'm interested in turning off the annoying hover task list in the taskbar. I have turned off thumbs. But I cannot seem to turn off the list.

I've tried the hover time setting and that doesn't work either.

I can't post a picture in here, so I'll try to describe it:

You have your taskbar set to NOT group. So you have, say, 2 Windows Explorer icons on your taskbar. When you mouse over them, a list (not thumb) appears telling you what you have open. I don't want a list. That's why I set it to NOT group. So each one stands on its own and I don't need a list when I mouse over.

Thanks in advance for any help you might have.

Best Answer

7+ Taskbar Tweaker can do that.

Screenshot with 'Hovering' section outlined

It's lightweight, it's powerful and you will never want to work without it anymore ;)

Another 7+TT's feature you may be interested in is the Combining section: you can disable window combining without enabling labels (as seen in the screenshot). One application's windows will still be grouped, but not combined:

GIMP windows shown grouped, but not combined in the taskbar

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