Windows – How to disable the Windows Button on a tablet

windows 8

I need to set up a tablet that runs a WPF application in a sort of Kiosk Mode similar to that found with Metro GUI Apps.

The only problem that seems to be left is the Windows button on the front of the tablet. Is there some way I can disable it or uninstall drivers that makes it work so that a user can't press it to get out of the app?

It's a Lenovo Thinkpad 10.

Best Answer

This works, but it is a bit hack-y:

  1. Add a new REG_BINARY type entry called Scancode Map to the registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout\
  2. Make its value equal to 00000000000000000300000000005BE000005CE000000000
  3. To enable the button again, delete the entry. It might also work by changing the value to zero or empty.

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