Windows – How to disable automatic zoom change in IE11 when moving window between different monitors

internet-explorer-11multiple-monitorswindows 8.1zoom

On Windows 8.1 I use Internet Explorer 11 and I also got my notebook with 13" screen and LCD monitor with 24" screen.

When I move IE windows between screens, IE automatically changes the zoom "to preserve same font size" on screens with different DPI. This is unwanted, I don't want to have 100% on one screen and 125% on the other. Is there a way how to disable this, even using registry fix?

Note this is already reported on Microsoft Connect with no proper answer.

Best Answer

This is what worked for me:

  • Open Internet Explorer on the Desktop.......
  • Tools → Internet Options → Advanced (tab on top) → Accessibility
  • CHECK the box "Reset zoom level for new windows and tabs"
  • Click APPLY
  • Click OK

I got the answer from: