Windows – How to deactivate the gnome desktop of the ubuntu server


I'm running a home server on my old laptop (atom cpu).

I installed ubuntu 12.04 server edition, but I also installed ubuntu-desktop.
So, when I turn it on, ubuntu desktop is shown.

I sometimes use GUI, but I want to turn the ubuntu-desktop (gnome-desktop) off when I don't use it.

I think I can save resources by turning off the GUI.
It's necessary since my laptop's performance is not very good and it often becomes very hot.

I guess I can run ubuntu-desktop on my terminal with "startx" command.
But, I don't know how to turn the X window off for a moment.

Anybody have an idea?

Thanks in advance.

— Following is written after I chose the answer.

$ sudo stop lightdm 
lightdm stop/waiting

with this command, I can turn off the x window. But, I can't get tty1 on my laptop.

I put that command from outside with ssh connection.

And, I can turn the x window on outside.

X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.
xinit: server error

But, I can get it back with start lightdm command.

$ sudo start lightdm 
lightdm start/running, process 5673

I'm not sure this is good or not.

And I don't know I can save my resources when I stop lightdm.

Best Answer

To control the X environment, use sudo service gdm stop and sudo service gdm start once the system has booted up. To make permanent changes, you need to update the runlevel at which ubuntu auto-starts gdm (Gnome Desktop Manager), and set it to not start on boot up. You should be able to run these commands from an SSH shell remotely.

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