Windows – How to create bootable floppy disk images (.img)

floppyimageswindows 7

I am thinking of creating my own OS. I downloaded bochs for a test machine, and now I need a 'floppy' to boot from (it boots from .img files). I need a way to create bootable disk images. I have neither physical floppies or a floppy drive. My requirements are:

I need a way to create a bootable disk image.

I need a way to manipulate files on the 'disk'.

The best solution I found was VFD, but I have Windows 7 64-bit, and VFD is explicitly designed to work only on 32-bit hardware. I searched high and low on Google and I couldn't find anything both free and useful.

Is there a 64 bit solution?

Best Answer

You should be able to use UltraISO. While it is not free, IIRC, the limits improsed on the trial version still allows making floppy images.

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