Windows – How to copy a file from a usb drive to a directory on the hard drive in windows 7 using command prompt

command linefile-transferusb-storagewindows

How can I copy a file from a pen drive to particular directory on the hard drive in windows 7 using command prompt in quickly compare to ordinary copy paste.

Scenario 1: need to copy the files from particular directory which is present in pen drive to particular directory which is present in system hard drive

source path: F:\aaa\bbb\  (F: is pendrive)
target path: D:\xxx\yyy\

Scenario 2: need to copy all files from pen drive to particular directory which is present in system hard drive

source path: F: (F: is pendrive)
target path: D:\xxx\yyy\

Note:- the cmd need to do copy/paste in faster compare to ordinary method

Best Answer

Scenario 1

copy F:\aaa\bbb\ D:\xxx\yyy\

Scenario 2

copy F:\aaa\bbb\*.* D:\xxx\yyy\

Type copy /? for more help.

SuperUser would probably be a better place to ask this question.

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