Windows – How to configure the Server 2012 Hyper-V lab setup with NAT

hyper-vnat;networkingwindows server 2012

I am attempting to create a lab using Windows Server 2012 (GUI) with Hyper-V on my laptop. I am trying to figure out how to create an "Internal" network with NAT through the adapter on the physical laptop.

As it stands, the only way I can get my guest VMs online are through the "External" network so I'm getting an IP address from the DHCP server itself, and not using the host as a gateway.

Internet Connection Sharing is disabled by Group Policy so using the EMC article regarding sharing my connection doesn't seem to be a viable option right now.

Additionally, I've stumbled across this article with "IP Rewrite" but I'm unable to find any other resources on how to employ this to my advantage. What is "IP Rewrite" and how would I employ this in my situation?

Best Answer

Hyper-V may not have a NAT networking option (like Virtualbox does), but Windows does: check this out:

  • Basically you make a virtual Internal network.
  • Right-click your network adapter.
  • tab Sharing
  • Enable Sharing and link it to your virtual internal network.
  • Then manually give you machines IP- and DNS settings (including your host).
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