Windows – How to change WiFi adapter MAC address for Win7/8/10? Network adapter ‘Advanced’ tab is missing ‘Network Address’ field

mac addresswindows 7wireless-networking

How can I change the wireless adapter MAC address when there is no Network Address option under Advanced tab?

I have followed the steps Device manager -> Network adapters -> properties -> Advanced but there is no option 'Network address' or similar.

Operating System: Win 7 Pro

Best Answer

A bit of a late answer but adding this here for future visitors and for my own reference.

It's possible to add the missing Network Address field manually by modifying the registry. Find the following registry key path:


Where 00xx is replaced with the numerical key associated with your network adapter of interest(search by checking the DriverDesc string value). Under params create a new subkey NetworkAddress. Add the following string values under NetworkAddress:

"paramdesc"="Network Address"

Now check under the Advance tab again, Network Address should show up there now. Note that when changing the MAC make sure it starts with either 02, 06, 0A or 0E otherwise it might not work. Seems to be a Windows restriction or limitation. (See this other answer)

Here's a full sample .reg file that adds the Network Address field to the NIC in question:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"paramdesc"="Network Address"

In my case, my wifi adapter happens to be on 0009. Change that to fit your particular machine.