Windows – How to change the Desktop Icons “Gravity”


The Icons on my XP desktop have the normal left "gravity". That is, they fill-up from the left side to the right side. However, the wallpaper that I have just switched to makes the left side "busy" and the icons are hard to see there, so I would really like to switch them to a right-side gravity. Nothing fancy, like Fences, I just want to change their default fill direction.

I thought for sure that I used to be able to do this in Windows, but I sure cannot find any way to do it in XP. Anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

A little idle googling turned up a couple of possibilities:

WinTidy 2 has layouts/templates for aligning icons. Problems with XP SP2, YMMV.

Iconoid allows you to save icon positions for multiple resolutions, so may help with your docking/res change issue.

As far as I can see there is no inbuilt feature to align icons to the right of the desktop.

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