Windows – How to change the default drag and drop action on a folder in Windows 7

copy/pastedrag and dropwindows 7

I have a special folder which I always drag and drop many files to. How can I change the default "Copy to" action to be "Move to"?

This is what I mean:

enter image description here

enter image description here

I know I can do it by pressing Ctrl or Shift but I want to change the default action to avoid making mistakes.

Best Answer

You can achieve this effect my mapping the folder as a separate drive, that way causing the "copy default" behaviour when dragging to that folder?

This can be done on the command line using subst:

subst <driveletter> <folder path>

Or you download and use Visual Subst.

I've tested it out (using the command line), and it does seem to work (giving the default drag-and-drop copy effect).

I haven't tried Visual Subst, but saw it mentioned online. The only advantage they mention is that it allows you to ask it to remap the drive on startup, but you can achieve this easily using the command line, by putting the command in a script and placing in the Startup folder.

EDIT for persistence:

A different/better way to achieve a persistent mapping, at least in Windows 8/10 (maybe other versions as well), is using regedit:

1) Open start menu.
2) type `regedit` and press enter.
3) Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Session Manager > DosDevices
4) Add a new string value with the key "<driveletter>:" (e.g. "P:")
5) Double click on it to enter the data value "\??\<folder path>" (e.g. "\??\C:\DragFolder")
6) Might need to reboot for it to take effect.

WARNING: Always be careful with regedit. Don't change anything you don't know what does, or it could break everything.

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