Windows – How to change the default browser in lotus notes when opening links in emails


I can't seem to figure out how to change the default browser for email/sametime links from opening with lotus notes to say chrome/firefox/ie. All links open with a new tab in lotus notes, which always gives scripting errors as it appears to be using ie as it's rendering engine to open up webpages. Is there something in the preferences that I'm missing that I'm not seeing? I've hunted around for awhile and am not seeing an option to change it. I've also tried to change it within the internet options for default applications, but nothing's working.

I'm using lotus notes 8 on windows xp if that helps anyone helping me.

Best Answer

In the File menu, select Preferences, then select "Web Browser" in the lefthand list and you will see it:

alt text

(This is a screenshot from Notes 8.5.1)

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