Windows – How to boot Windows DVD without UEFI

bootefilaptopuefiwindows 7

I searched the web, but didn't find anything.

I formated my single partition (300GB) to mbr partition table (it used gpt before). Now I want to install windows 7 but I can't because:

Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk has an MBR
partition table. On EFI systems, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks.

I guess there is a way to boot the Windows DVD without UEFI, but how? In my bios I did not found anything that contains the word "EFI". So how can I install Windows 7 with mbr?

Best Answer

If you haven't solved this yet, or if anyone else finds this thread, you have to convert to GPT:

  1. When installing at the partition screen hit Shift+F10.
  2. At the prompt type diskpart and press Enter.
  3. Type list disk (Not the number of the disk you want to use)
  4. Type select disk X where is X is the number of the disk you want to use.
  5. Type clean
  6. Type convert gpt

Be warned though, this will clear out the partition table on the drive; make sure you have a backup before attempting this if you have important data

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