Windows – How to boot a USB to reinstall windows when I have ubuntu installed

bootUbuntuusbwindowswindows 7

My ubuntu system is basically useless now because it always says the error "Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /". I can't do anything with it because of that. 🙁 and I want to go back to windows 7 for now and I am on Ubuntu and it's the only OS that is in my computer, but it seems that when I go to the boot options when I restart my PC, it could not detect the bootable USB that I have, and I read somewhere that Ubuntu couldn't detect the bootable USB in the bootloader, so can someone help me boot my USB to reinstall windows 7?

Thank you 🙂

PS. I have another laptop that I used to check if it is read as bootable, and it is able to detect it. In my ubuntu laptop, it just says USB HDD on the boot menu, but when I run it on a different laptop that currently runs on windows 7 it is named that it is an installation for win 7. Which means my windows 7 laptop can boot a USB but my ubuntu laptop can't.

Best Answer

I have the same problem with my 2 laptops (samsung and msi).

Both laptops randomly don't detect bootable USB flash drives. So, to make it works, I tried to power off and on (not just reboot) my laptop 3-5 times and finally bootable USB get detected. Another trick which sometimes works for me - turn on laptop by pressing the power button, then wait about 1 second and only then connect USB drive.

It might be also good to see is USB detected by bios or not. If you enter in your bios settings when laptop starts and see list of devices on first screen, you might see your HDD and USB drive if it gets detected well. Usually USB drive detected with name and size example

Another option to try - read messages in your laptop when it starts. Many laptops has quick boot menu option. So, you might read message about that mode. On my laptop it called "Press F2 for Boot Menu". You can try to found that key for your laptop model in that table

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