Windows – How to blacklist a specific update on Windows 10

driverssynaptics-touchpadwindows 10windows update

I have discovered that my Windows 10 Pro installation automatically downloads and installs Synaptics touchpad driver. All well I suppose, with automatic updating and stuff, except that the driver is an abomination (the fact I have observed to be true for many generations of the driver, as each new version is just an iterative update). The driver has my cursor disappearing and freezing despite me frantically "fingering" my touchpad. I am an IT professional and completely depend (don't we all) on being able to interact with the computer, and the driver is simply not up to par. It worked better in Windows 7, but was never great, really, and now it hit the new low. Nevertheless, Windows seems to think it is a good update candidate, and I have apparently no say in the matter.

Removing the driver (uninstalling it in Device Manager and/or doing so from Programs where it is listed as well) only brings temporary relief, before Windows automatically downloads and re-installs it again. Welcome to 2015, people.

I do not want to disable automatic updates, I am sure most of them are useful, but there are certain things I should be able to opt out of, at least certain versions of upstream drivers, skipping these entirely.

I have googled a lot but even the Microsofts own tool which sounded like just the thing, does not list the driver I want to "hide", so it was of no help.

Should I setup WSUS or something? What choices do I have? This touchpad issue drives me nuts. Maybe I should resort to fixing the driver myself, somehow? I checked with Synaptics' own webpages, and the driver that Windows pushes on me is even newer than the one they list as newest on their pages!

P.S. My Windows 10 is final, not a tech preview or some sort of RC.

Best Answer

You can't. Even with Enterprise LTSB you cannot blacklist single update. Only solution is Microsoft Tool you posted but it is only temporary. PowerShell method does the same as tool.

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