Windows – How to avoid printing nearly blank pages


How many times have you printed an email just to have the last page be 2 or 3 lines of a person's signature (or worse, the "This is confidential" copy inserted by corporate
mailservers)? How many times has the last page contained just the footer of the website?

Does anyone know of a utility or print driver that can help avoid printing blank or nearly-blank pages? I am not looking for techniques for avoiding this in specific programs — if I take the effort of doing print preview and then adjusting the pages to be printed, then of course I can avoid it.

What I want something I can install that, whenever I push "Print" to any of the various printers I print to with my laptop, it automatically says "hmmm… I bet he doesn't really want that page which is 95% empty" and possibly prompts me to say "do you really want to waste paper on this?"

Best Answer

Well, that's why Print Preview is there. Before actually printing you usually can select which pages of your document (or email, for that matter) you want to print. As you say, there's always useless info that doesn't need to be printed, so you can deselect the last page/s to avoid printing something unnecessary.

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