Windows – How to autocomplete filename in your path on the command line when in a different directory in windows7

autocompletecommand linewindows 7

on the windows command line I can autocomplete any filename/subdirectory by typing a few letters and then pressing Tab. Is there a way to extend this to anything that is in my PATH.


In my path I have the program verylongfilename.exe

In a command window that is currently in c:\temp I can type
verylongfilename.exe to run the program.

If I put verylongfilename.exe in c:\temp,
I can type very and then press tab to autocomplete.
If verylongfilename.exe is in a different directory within the path, I always have to type the file name completely.

Any way around this without installing third party tools?

Best Answer

From a CMD prompt or the run box, type "powershell" to give you what you're wanting.

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