Windows – How to assign a static IP to a Computer in Active Directory


I'd like to know how you can assign a static IP address to a computer using Active Directory.

I know it is possible with a user using the Dial-in tab, but doing it on a computer has no effect (unless I have missed a specific policy parameter).
Currently I am using DHCP reservations, but it requires having IP addresses in the DHCP range and writing down MAC address to type it on the server.

I am trying to find a way that wouldn't require the use of the obscure MAC adresses by using AD computer names.
Also, I'd like to have my DHCP range cover only the addresses actually used by DHCP clients and not rely on exclusions.

My AD forest and domain have a functionnal level of Windows Server 2008 R2 (because I have Win 7 computers) but I'm using Windows Server 2012.

Thank you everyone for your help.

Best Answer

Your use of DHCP is already the best way to assign address. It's not possible to use Active Directory in an of itself to assign IP addresses because a computer must have an IP address before it can communicate directly with AD.

There's no way around the involvement of MAC addresses in dynamic IP address assignment. Until a computer has an IP address, it is effectively unable to communicate via the IP protocol (OSI layer 3), instead relying on broadcasts and MAC addresses. To get an IP address without one being statically configured on the machine, there must be a service on the network that assigns IP addresses based on MAC address. Typically this is DHCP, though other services exist.