Windows – How to add the ‘Turn Off Computer’ button to RocketDock

rocketdockwindows xp

I'm running Windows XP with RocketDock.

I want to add a button/icon to my dock that acts in the same way as clicking the 'Turn Off Computer' button in the Start menu i.e. so it brings up the 'Standby, Turn off, Restart' dialogue box.

I currently have a button on my dock that turns off my computer and another one that restarts it but I just want one to bring up the 'Standby, Turn off, Restart' box so I have the usual choice (and can save a button at the same time).

Best Answer

  1. Open Notepad or any text editor you use.
  2. Copy the following single line to the text: (new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application")).ShutdownWindows();
  3. Save as "Shutdown.js" (without the quotes) anywhere you like on your computer.
  4. Create a new shortcut that points to Shutdown.js.
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