Add Batch-Script Action to Right Click Menu in Windows


I have a few programs that creates temp files or backup files or similar files that are not important.
For example, GVim for Windows by default creates a backup file in filename.txt~.

I sometimes need to clean up a directory and remove all these files. I have made a simple .bat file for this. However, it is cumbersome to have to start up CMD, navigate to the folder, run the script.
Especially since this is a script that I would like to run often on various folders. And I do not want to copy the script to multiple folders, as this would be a maintenance nightmare.

So, I was thinking, that the best solution would be to add a Right Click menu item that allows me to run the script. So that I can right click on a folder in Explorer and click Cleanup and then have my script run on this folder.

So my question is: How do I add a right click menu action that runs a custom batch script?

Best Answer

I have tried on Windows XP SP3 with this .reg key. Don't have Windows 7 at the moment to test it properly but it should be almost the same.

  1. Open notepad and paste the code from below.
  2. Edit as per your need.
  3. Save as MyScript1.reg
  4. Double click to import in registry.
  5. Test by Right click on any directory in Explorer
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Execute MyScript1"

@="\"C:\\MyScriptsDirectory\\MyScript1Directory\\MyScript1.bat\" \"%1\""
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