Windows – How to access a Router that has DHCP turned off and IP address unknown

networkingrouterwindows 10wireless-networkingwireless-router

I have 2 Netgear Routers: A DGND4000 Netgear Router + Modem, and A Netgear 150-N Router.

My Netgear DGND4000 Router works fine, and is accessible over the internet via LAN IP.

My Netgear 150-N is connected via LAN port to the DGND4000, and I had turned off it's DHCP so that the devices in the network all get the same range of IP addresses. So it's probably acting as an access point.

I recently had the need to change the password for my Netgear Access Point, and it's not accessible via browser. I can connect to the access point, but I cannot configure it anymore. doesn't work and neither does 192.168.x.x… Both redirect to the main modem with the DHCP instead of this access point.

Is there any way to configure the access point to change it's wifi password? I'm on Windows 10 and don't know how to configure the netgear access point.

I remember accessing a device via it's mac address, the web address was somewhat similar to : http://MAC_Address:[mac:address], but I'm not sure if that's correct, caught a mere glimpse of it before it changed to the IP address of the device!

Anyways, Please could someone provide a solution to this? Would I have to reset the Access Point? If yes, then what would be a simple way to do that via WiFi? I don't want to place it near the modem and wire it to my pc to do it… any external app that could do it?

Best Answer

  1. Connect to the wireless network of the AP
  2. tracert [router ip address]
  3. check what the first hop is, that will be the IP address if your AP
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