Windows – How recover account and emails from Windows Live Mail

emailwindowswindows 7windows-livewindows-live-mail

First I change the path of the C:\Users\Valter\Documents to D:\Document\Windows (in Windows 7 Professional) and when I enter in the my Windows Live Mail, my account and emails gone.
How do I recover that ?

Any idea ? I really need help with this guys.
Thank you for your attention with this.

Best Answer

The mail is stored in you user folder (eg: 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail'). You moved them, so you'll need to update Live Mail with the new path.

  • In Windows Live Mail, press ALT to bring up the menu and select Tools, then Options.
  • Click the Advanced tab, then the Maintenance button.
  • Click the Store Folder button, Change it to the new path.

enter image description here

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