Windows – How Can One change the MS-DOS prompt font color

colorscommand linefontswindows-98

How Can One change the MS-DOS prompt font color?

MS-DOS is really old, and being the grandpappy of the computers it is really hard to find support for it.

I have these tried suggestions from websites:

I have edited:
Config.sys (It now says 'Menucolor= 2,0' )
C:\Windows\color.txt (It now says 'green')

Still not working.
Anyone have any idead on how to do this?


Before you suggest 'color a', Ms-Dos is not the cmd. I already tried that.
It is possible! There are multiple ms-dos viruses that have done this effectively.
I am running MS-DOS from Windows 98 on a virtual machine.

Best Answer

You can use debug to write a short COM file. When you run debug you'll get a single dash prompt, enter the following (including blank lines) and you'll get a file in your current working directory:

a 100
mov ah, 06
xor al, al
xor cx, cx
mov dx, 184f
mov bh, 07
int 10
mov ah, 4c
xor al, al
int 21


It calls int 10 ah=06 to clear the screen, setting the cursor at the bottom and filling with attributes in bh. High nibble is background, low is foreground, colors are:

  • 0 = black
  • 1 = blue
  • 2 = green
  • 3 = cyan
  • 4 = red
  • 5 = purple
  • 6 = yellow
  • 7 = white
  • 8 = light black
  • 9 = light blue
  • A = light green
  • B = light cyan
  • C = light red
  • D = light purple
  • E = light yellow
  • F = light white

(Thus bit 4 is high intensity.) To get red background with black foreground change 07 to 40.

Parsing the command line args to set colors is non-trivial, so just hard code your favorite one. Or do this in debug to update it:

e 10a

Attribute is stored in location 010A, updating it directly is easier than typing it all again.

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