Windows – Hot do I fix Windows 10 Creators Update desktop icon positioning

desktopdpiiconswindows 10windows-10-v1703

I have found that after installing the Windows 10 Creators update on 2 machines so far, the desktop icon spacing is such that there is a massive gap between icons at the bottom of the desktop and the taskbar.

Here is the spacing pre-upgrade:


Here is the spacing post-upgrade


Note that those images are exactly the same size and resolution, so you can see that the desktop grid has changed.

Here they are side by side:


I have tried things like changing the icon size, but it doesn't help, as I suspect the grid itself has changed meaning that is as low as it will go.

I know it's only a minor thing, but it makes the desktop look a little silly, and turning off align to grid has the potential to look even worse.

I don't think it has anything to do with small taskbar icons, but might be related to double height taskbar, as turning that off, the gap is much reduced.

Does anyone know how to fix this positioning so it goes back to how it was before the install of the creators update?

Best Answer

It can be fixed by changing some registry values. Go to this location in regedit :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics

You will find keys named IconSpacing and IconVerticalSpacing.

To solve this problem you need to increes the value of IconVerticalSpacing.

(You can also play around with the IconSpacing value to increase horizontal gap between icons.)

By default,the values of both IconSpacing and IconVerticalSpacing is -1125 in Creators Update and in previous versions too.*

*(In 1366x768 resolution and 100% scaling.)

You need to change the IconVerticalSpacing value to -1200 and then sign out and log in again,and it will be same as previous version.

Proof :

IconVerticalSpacing's value is -1200


You can also use Winaero Tweaker to change the icon spacing with a nice user interface.

enter image description here

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