Windows Explorer – Hide Unassigned Linux Partition

partitioningwindowswindows 10

I just set up a usb stick with multiple primary partitions and gpt partition table. The four partitions are Efi, Linux (encrypted), FAT32, Veracrypt (Encrypted).

Plugging in the USB stick into my windows pc, 3 partitions show up in explorer with letters assigned to them, the linux and veracrypt partitions are shown as not formatted.

In the disk management utility, no drive letters are assigned to the linux and veracrypt partitions, and I'm trying to make windows ignore / not show those two partitions in explorer.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

Use mountvol tool in cmd.exe to delete the mountpoint, don't worry your data is safe we ara just taking away the letter.

First open a cmd prompt as admin. Then type mountvol and hit enter, you should be seeing the long name of your partitions and their mountpoint(Eg E:\) at the end. Now type mountvol X:\ /P where X:\ is the mointpoint of the unit you want to hide.

To assign a mountpoint just type mountvol X:\ \\?\Volumne{some-long-thingy}\


EDIT: Sometimes, I don't know why, in some machines you need to run a powershell terminal with administrator rights, then run cmd throught that and then work with mountvol, it's weird but it gets the job done.

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