Windows – GUI Postman on Windows Server 2012 R2

guipostmanremote desktopwindows-server-2012-r2

I have problems with my installed Postman on a Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64 Version 6.3, build 9600).

First of all, I have downloaded and successfully installed (and also later removed) different versions of Postman: 6.1.4 (tried x86 and x64) and 6.1.3 (tried x86 and x64)

I access my Windows Server 2012 R2 instance through a nested RDP like this

My computer -> Server 1 -> Windows Server 2012 R2

Edit 1:

Image depicting how I access my Windows Server 2012 R2.
enter image description here

Strange look and behaviour:
enter image description here

Same result with every tried Postman-version. Whats the problem here?
I do not know about any other application on the server that have this GUI problem.

Best Answer

I had this same issue, and I solved it by setting the POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU environment variable, as described here:

For it to work you will have to add an environment variable POSTMAN_DISABLE_GPU=true

  1. Open advanced system settings
  2. In the Advanced tab click Environment Variables
  3. Add a new variable
  4. Logout and Login back or Restart your PC

Note that my scenario is a little different: I'm running Server 2012 in VMWare Fusion 10.0 on a Mac OS High Sierra. But my experience was identical to yours.

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