Windows – Gramblr conflict with firewall (500 – internal server error)

firewallnetworkingwindows 10

I'm using windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) and I set its firewall to block all inbound and outbound connections so I can choose which app will access to network by creating those rules in my firewall.
I have no problem with other apps except Gramblr! I have defined the rule in firewall for gramblr.exe but still getting this error :

500 – Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

Internal error information: Permission denied.

It wants to conncet to this address "", I even used chrome but still got the same error!
Please tell me which file should I put in my Firewall rules to make it work.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

I was having this issue too and found that it was because
I ran Gramblr straight from the downloaded .zip file, rather than extracting first before running!
So - try:

  • uninstalling Gramblr
  • revisiting the install file
  • extract Gramblr

  • and then run.
    This fixed the problem for me.

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