Windows – Global scroll acceleration in Windows


Is there a way to add smoothing and acceleration to scrolling in Windows. Cruising through pages by scrolling faster beats having to scroll a hundred times, and is the default behaviour of the mouse scroll in Mac OS X.

I am aware that there are specialised mice that are capable of this, but there are also software methods to do achieve this for example Chromium Wheel Smooth Scroller.

Is there a program to apply a Windows wide scrolling behaviour.

Notes: running Windows 7.

Best Answer

You can change the number of lines to be scrolled per notch on the wheel:

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(3 lines is default setting, 100 is the maximum)

Here's a little shareware utility ($10) that might be worth looking at:

ScrollNavigator also adds dynamic acceleration to your mouse wheel. This indispensable feature makes mouse wheel scrolling more accurate when you turn the wheel slowly, and it scrolls your documents much faster when you turn the wheel quickly.

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