Windows – Get Extended Properties of a file

batchcommand linepropertieswindows 7

What's the fastest way to output the 'Title' property of all files in a directory in Windows 7? I tried dir in command line but that only prints the filename, not the Title found in the extended properties. Is there a fast way of iterating a directory (preferably via commandline or batch)?

Best Answer

Check out this link where James O'Neill creates a powershell script to get at any of the extended properties. He uses it to get at all the camera properties stored in a file, but Title is one of them.

Borrowing from Windows Explorer in PowerShell part 2: extended properties

The function:

    function Get-ext 

{param ($attributes, $Path=(pwd).path)
 $objShell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
 $objFolder = $objShell.namespace($path)
 0..266 | Foreach-object -begin {$Columns=@{} } -process {$Columns.add($objFolder.getDetailsOf($Null, $_),$_)}
 foreach ($file in $objFolder.items())  {          $attributes | forEach -begin  {$fileObj = New-Object -TypeName System.Object } `

                               -process {Add-Member -inputObject $fileObj -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ `                                                                 -Value ($objFolder.GetDetailsOf($file , $Columns[$_]) )}  `
                                -end { $fileObj} }


Calling the function:

Get-ext "name","Title","Tags","f-stop","Exposure Time","ISO Speed" | ft *

original url link left in for completeness

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