Windows – Generate “file://” URIs in Windows Explorer


I am searching for a way to obtain a proper file:/ URI from inside Windows Explorer. Basically I would like to have a context menu entry which says "copy file URI to clipboard". Does something like that exist?

This is not a duplicate of "Copy filename to clipboard" since I want a file URI and not the path name.

To clarify: I am looking to get "file:///c:/Temp/foo%20bar.txt" and neither "C:\Temp\foo bar.txt" nor "foo bar.txt" nor "C:\Temp".

Best Answer

Just came up with this VBS.

If WScript.arguments.count > 0 Then
    Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    strPath = "file:///" & Wscript.Arguments(0)
    strPath = Replace(strPath,"\","/")
    strPath = Replace(strPath," ","%20")
    sCmd = "%comspec% /c<nul (set/p anyvariable=" & Chr(34) & strPath & Chr(34) & ")|clip.exe"
    WshShell.Run sCmd,0,0
    Set WshShell = Nothing
End If

Save it as a .VBS file. Drag and drop a file on to the VBScript and it copies the file's URI to clipboard. You can implement it in the right-click menu if required.

It copies the file name to memory, reverses the slashes, replaces spaces with "%20", and appends "file:///" at the beginning. It's a basic script which supports only one file name / argument. You can modify it as required.

Add the Script to your Send To folder

You may place a shortcut of the script in your Send To folder. Press WinKey + R, type shell:sendto and press ENTER. Create a shortcut to the script in the Send To folder and name it accordingly. (eg. Copy File URI)

Now, right-click a file, click Send To and click Copy File URI. The file path would be copied to the clipboard, in the URI format as below.

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