Windows – Full computer name not displaying DNS Suffix


I have a PC joined to Active Directory.

Under System Properties > Computer Name I noticed that “Full computer name:” is not displaying properly

PC is currently showing

Full computer name: COMPUTERNAME

Verus this:

Full computer name:

I have done some reading and found that the registry keys “Domain” and “NV Domain” under HKLM\System\services\Tcpip\Parameters are used in conjunction with the computer name to generate the “Full computer name:”

All the keys appear to be populated properly but I am still getting the name not displaying properly.

I have tried disjoining and rejoining the PC, and blanking the registry keys, rebooting, and repopulating the keys. Still no luck.

One thing that I have noticed about this client is that under the key HKLM\System\services\Tcpip\Parameters\DNSRegisteredAdapaters there are no entries.

I have compared to this computers that are showing the “Full computer name” properly and these computers have entries under this key. I am wondering if this has something to do with it. I can’t seem to get this key to generate.

Best Answer

It seems to be some issue in DHCP leases, which may have expired for your computer, where the hostname have not changed to FQDN.

Try to register the DNS using the command:

ipconfig /registerdns

Now clear the DNS cache on the machine. Check your DNS server for any 'A' record of the old name and remove them once the new A record appears.

Hope this helps.

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