Windows Firewall is blocking Windows Update

firewallwindows 7windows firewallwindows update

I recently uninstalled ZoneAlarm and have decided to use Windows Firewall as my firewall as ZoneAlarm was causing me grief when I was syncing my iphone.

Anyway, I've noticed just then that Windows Firewall seems to block my Windows updates.

Whenever I have the firewall on, I get a 8024402C error when I try to update, and it seems to update fine when I don't have the firewall on.

there is a help page for this error

but it seems to assume that the firewall I have is third party, I'm not sure how to fix it if Windows Firewall itself is the firewall that is blocking the automatic updates.

Best Answer

I've found solution.

I found it here.

Essentially I added a new incoming rule which allowed all connections coming from c:\windows\System32\svchost.exe.

I wonder why my default settings didn't already have this? Anyway it worked!