Windows Explorer opens a new window every time

windows 7windows-explorer

Every time I open a folder in Windows Explorer, it opens the folder in a new window.

I double-checked all the options in Folder Options, including Launch folder windows in a separate process but changing that has no effect.

I can open the folder normally by right-clicking on it and selecting "Open". It works but obviously involves additional steps.

I've tried rebooting and have checked that my Ctrl key isn't stuck, but the problem still exists.

Any ideas? Are there any registry tweaks to fix my problem?

Best Answer

I had the same problem. To fix this issue, follow the steps given by Justin except if 'open in same window' is already selected, select 'open in new window'. Click Ok. Open the same Folder settings window and select 'open in same window' and click Ok. That should fix the issue.

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