Windows – Explorer.exe – System Warning ‘Unknown Hard Error’

windowswindows 8windows-explorer

So, probably my fault, I ran multiple different tools (one by one) yesterday to scan computer from malware and viruses. I used these tools:

- Combofix
- Autoruns
- TDSSKiller
- RogueKiller
- HijackThis
- RKill
- Malwarebytes
- Spybot
- Avast

So, it did clean everything, there wasn't much though. Anyway, since then, each time restarting PC and loading up Windows the error message box pops up Explorer.exe - System Warning 'Unknown Hard Error'

And I cannot trace back what is causing it. Even Viewer is empty.
I did follow various guides online, like editing regedit and deleting the Load key. I don't even have it.
Did all the chkdsk /r /f and sfc /scannow.
Tried running Safe Mode clean boot, etc.

I think that it was either Autoruns or HijackThis and I selected/deselected something wrong.

I did the system restore.

No, I am not willing to reinstall Windows or format hard drive just for that. I'm tired of reading various Windows support websites and forums about how all these experts 'advice' to format and reinstall Windows for every issue. I mean come on…

Thanks and cheers 🙂

Best Answer

That error sounds to me like an internal error within explorer.exe or one if its dependencies, possibly a corrupt file.

You say that reformatting is not an option, can you still boot from a Windows Install disk? From here you will be able to launch a repair that will scan for, and replace any corrupt files it might find.

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