Windows Explorer crashes when opening particular drive

windowswindows 7windows-explorer

I have Windows 7 Professional SP1 32 bit installed on my machine. Whenever I open the E drive, my Windows Explorer crashes.

This doesn't affect other drives and Explorer doesn't crash when opening the D drive. I have done antivirus scanning & I'm doing anti-malaware scanning, but i don't think I would get lucky.

Update: What I've tried till now and some more useful info:

  1. I have tried accessing in safe mode. Although it is bit slow, accessing the drive doesn't crash Windows Explorer.
  2. Drive E is a partition and doesn't contain OS related stuff.
  3. It is an internal drive.
  4. I had SP1 installed. I removed that, but it made no difference.
  5. I have installed many updates (from Windows Update) and I have updated many applications. Can that be a cause of that? Sadly, I have not noted time when it started crashing.
  6. I ran chkdsk E: /F /X, it did not report any errors

Note: I found this in my event log:

enter image description here

Best Answer

You need to scan for all the drive's folders, even those with videos.

Explorer can crash on invalid data in such a folder if it tries to show previews or thumbnails.

By Kees Bakker on CNET forums.

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